
2022 Habitat for Humanity Build

Posted: 6/15/22

Category: Community News

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Last week Heritage Environmental Services, along with team members from other THG companies including Heritage Interactive, Heritage Research Group, THG, Asphalt Materials, US Agg, Milestone, and Retriev, participated in our annual Habitat for Humanity Panel Build.

Collectively the group assembled 34 panels to be used as part of a 2-story, 3-bedroom for the now homeowner Pasha Curry (pictured in the first image below), who joined in the build with her two sons. Pasha is a former coach and cares for her 83 year-old mother, Rita, who will now be able to live with Pasha in their Habitat home. They both look forward to opening up their home to their many grandchildren.

Honoring our culture to “Be a Good Neighbor,” Heritage is proud to have hosted this event for the last 12 years. Our employees enjoy the sense of accomplishment and community – knowing the labor will result in a home for a family simply makes you smile. The panel build event (originally hosted at our Morris Street campus before moving to The Center parking lot) allows us the opportunity to bring employees to a central location without the need for further time away from work for travel to the build site. Employees from various jobs and Heritage companies are able to network as they give back.

To learn more about Habitat for Humanity and donate, volunteer, or sponsor, visit

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