Case Study

A Chemical And Safety Products Manufacturer

The Challenge

This chemical company was seeking dedicated attention and service to meet the daily demands of a high volume generator, while structuring agreements to meet the economic demands of an increasingly competitive chemical manufacturer market.


For the past 20 years, the Heritage corporate account team, regional representatives, supporting facilities, and senior management have provided responsive, dedicated attention, and service to better plan around a high capacity manufacturer.


Over the years we have worked collaboratively on the special handling and containerization of numerous highly sensitive wastestreams, while developing customized processing techniques and equipment to ensure safe handling and efficient processing.

Annual plant turnarounds: collaboration of scheduling, equipment placement, treatment, and disposal. All requiring a high degree of schedule accommodations to maximize efficiencies, while streamlining the site processes to ensure timely availability of equipment, and adequate capacity to process all byproducts generated.


The chemical industry has a substantial need for incineration services due to the nature of their byproducts. Heritage’s unique acceptance, safe handling and processing capabilities has been a cornerstone of our extended business relationship. We have developed strong business relationships with EH&S and procurement, at both the corporate level as well as the local level.

  • 20 Years of partnership with Heritage