Case Study

American Multinational Consumer Goods Company

The Challenge

Heritage met with a large multinational consumer products company who was having trouble reducing their wastestream and finding innovative methods of reusing this waste. This company was looking for a partner who could provide customized solutions for one of their largest North American sites, which would help better identify and segregate waste materials, enhance the knowledge and visibility of new waste management initiatives, and significantly reduce or eliminate the amount of waste being sent to landfill.


Heritage understood that in order for this company to successfully manage and minimize their waste streams, better visibility was required. Heritage engineered and built specialized equipment to assist in separating packaging from the facility’s products, in order to increase recycling and product/brand protection. Heritage also created monthly tracking reports, which allowed the site’s management team access to their waste management data for forecasting, planning, and sustainability reporting. In addition, Heritage assigned one customer coordinator per location to manage the facility’s waste materials which provides education and uncovers new recycling opportunities and cost savings activities.


Heritage reinvented this facility’s waste management processes from the ground up. Our R&D team designed new equipment that provided for the site’s byproduct management needs as well as creating an income revenue stream to the facility. We also worked with the company to secure alternate recycling and reuse methods, as well as disposal options, for much of the facility’s waste. Our customized solutions and onsite dedicated personnel have streamlined the waste management process significantly, ultimately aiding this facility in achieving zero landfill status.


Through dedication to specialized processes and equipment design, the commitment to uncovering alternate ways to recycle and repurpose waste, to quarterly KPI meetings reviewing on-site staffing and services functions, Heritage has helped this multinational company create a huge impact to their sustainability goals. We are continuously refining waste management methods and searching for new solutions to improve sustainability.

  • ZWTL Zero waste to landfill status achieved at one of their largest North American facilities